Thursday, July 7, 2011

Spray painting furniture. . .

Last weekend my dear husband took the kids away camping for three days.  That's right--three days of no kids, no cleaning, and no cooking. I can get a lot done with those things out of my schedule!  In addition to reupholstering the the glider, I painted this desk and chair.  (The fun part is that I got both the desk and chair for free from friends!!)  I was able to cover the cushion of the chair with the same fabric I used to cover the glider.  A friend had recommended spray painting the furniture as a faster way of getting the job done.  I am all about doing things quickly!  Spray painting IS faster, but I wouldn't use spray paint for something larger than this little desk. However, I am pleased with this little project of mine--what do you think?

Before shot of the little desk and chair.

Different shot of the chair.

Black!  I love black!

I'm so very pleased!!