The theft was a catastrophic loss for the kids. I had to put on my mommy thinking cap last week to combat the 90 degree corn-growing-weather. Sometimes mothers in our country forget that as long as it is fun, it doesn't need to be perfect--like playing in plastic storage tubs!
Can you hear him say "No thank you! This is my tub! Move to yours!" |
With only two plastic storage tubs and three children, I needed to get VERY creative with Sweet Girl. Her baby doll clothes were looking pretty dirty, so I got out my washboard, a dry rack, a small tub for soapy water and a small tub of rinse water. (As a side question--does anyone ever think to wash baby doll clothes? It took me three years to notice that they were dirty and another two years to do something about it! HA!) She thought it was fantastic! And, amazingly, the boys didn't spray her with the water hose. There was peace for almost an entire hour!
Sweet girl had such a fun time that we played this again two days later! |
The picture of Sweet Girl reminded me of the book Little Men, sequel to Little Women. Beautiful.